Resource Development Workshops for Gateway

Day Topic Instructor Exercises
Session 1 Date: March 20, 2023 ITC, IIG, and ICX Services Overview Hasib Bhi , Ruhul Bhi , Aminul
Routing Basics Aminul
Introduction to OSPF Aminul
DNS overview Aminul
How do CDNs work? Aminul
Network security and DDoS attack Aminul
LAB: Mikrotik security Aminul
Session 2 MTCRE Advanced Mikrotik Training Aminul
Session 3 will share shortly Aminul
Session 4 will share shortly Aminul
Session 5 will share shortly Aminul

Course Outline may consist of:

Workshop Items

Agenda (Improve your technical skills )

Instructors: A H M Jobayer , Ruhul Amin Biswas, Aminul Islam

Survey (Survey link will be activated at the end of the workshop)